
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

EPISODE 2. (not as dramatic/sad as first ep)

This ep. starts out with Song-joo at the airport, and he's supposed to meet Jung-suh for the last time. However, only Yoori and Tae Mira show up to bid him a farewell.

So where's Jung-suh? She's stuck at home in the closet because Yoori locked her in there. And how did Yoori manage to trap Jung-suh? Jung-suh was looking for her recorder (with Song-joo's voice), and Yoori tells Jung-suh that it's in a suitcase, so Jung-suh goes into the closet, and Yoori locks her in. Before seeing Song-joo, Yoori even gets her hair done and a nice outfit (but she's still as ugly as ever).

Song-joo is sad when he doesn't see Jung-suh and Tae Mira assures him that Jung-suh is on her way. Song-joo calls her home to find out if that's true. Of course Jung-suh can't answer because the door's locked.

But while she's locked in the closet, Jung-suh hears Song-joo on the recorder, confessing to her that he likes her and he's not sure, but it might even be love. Jung-suh cries hearing these words, hoping that she can get out soon enough to tell Song-joo her answer to his confession.

Meanwhile, Song-joo is worried, but it's late and he really has to go. So he goes into the airplane.

Back at Jung-suh's situation, she's still locked in. But Tae-hwa (her step brother that wasn't really mentioned much in episode 1) hears someone inside the closet. He unlocks it, and Jung-suh runs out to see Song-joo one more time before he leaves. She hopes that he doesn't leave yet. But when she arrives at the place in the airport where he'd leave, she sses that she's too late. However, later when she looks again, he's there. And she tells him that she likes him too. She records her voice saying "I love you oppa" and gives him the tape. Song-joo puts a necklace on Jung-suh and he has another necklace (the two go together like couple necklaces). Song-joo and Jung-suh part from each other, promising to write letters and call each other.

As life goes on, Yoori gets all the good treatment - she gets to ride a limo to school and has nice clothes. However, Jung-suh takes the bus.

Song-joo wrote many letters to Jung-suh, but Yoori takes all of them before Jung-suh even sees it, and Yoori reads them. She even writes back to Song-joo, saying that Jung-suh gave the address to her. One night, Song-joo calls Jung-suh and asks her why she didn't reply to his letters or contact him. Tae Mira is watching Jung-suh as she's talking to Song-joo, so Jung-suh hurries up and ends the conversation with Song-joo.

So while this is all happening (sorry! it's not all necessarily in chronological order), we are learning more about Yoori's brother Tae-hwa too. Tae-hwa is an artist and has many paintings in his room. One day, Jung-suh sees one of his paintings and she really likes it. But Tae-hwa crumbles the paper and throws it on the ground. Jung-suh picks it up and runs to her room. She irons the paiting and puts it in a frame, hanging it up on the wall somewhere. However, when Tae-hwa sees this, he throws if down in a fury.

Another day after school, Tae-hwa is walking home, and he sees his father. His father brought shoes for him. Tae-hwa really misses and loves his dad so much. But then, in the limo, Tae Mira and Yoori come home, and Tae Mira tells her ex-husband never to come again or else she'll have him arrested. So Tae-hwa's father leaves. Back at home, Tae-hwa and Tae Mira get into a fight. Tae Mira yells at him for telling his dad to come visit even though Tae-hwa didn't even tell him to. Tae Mira tells Tae-hwa that if it happens again, then Tae-hwa has to leave. However, Tae-hwa tells Tae Mira that he can't leave even if he wanted to. Tae Mira starts pulling Tae-hwa by his hair and dragging him to the door. Tae-hwa struggles to un-do himself from his mom's grasp and ends up knocking a big vase on the floor. This is Jung-suh's dad's favorite vase, and the vase is broken into many pieces. Tae Mira is shocked and Tae-hwa is finally able to go off.

As he's going up the stairs, Jung-suh is coming down and sees the broken vase. Tae MIra tells Jung-suh to help her clean up the pieces of the vase, so she goes. But then Jung-suh's dad comes home. Tae Mira lies and says that she was cleaning with Jung-suh and that Jung-suh accidentally knocked it down. So now Jung-suh's dad is kind of disappointed in her. But Tae-hwa didn't go all the way up the stairs yet. He turns around and tells Jung-suh's dad that HE was the one that broke the vase, not Jung-suh. (This makes Tae Mira even angrier.)

At night, Tae Mira drags Tae-hwa and puts him into the closet, locking him in there. As revenge, she turns the AC on really high, so Tae-hwa's freezing in there all night. Jung-suh gets up, hearing the commotion, but she doesn't save Tae-hwa because Tae Mira is still there.

In the morning, Jung-suh makes the breakfast for everyone (this is my assumption), and it's also Tae-hwa's birthday, so Jung-suh made seaweed soup. Yoori gets mad at Jung-suh for making seaweed soup, but Jung-suh doesn't say anything. She brings up a meal of rice and seaweed soup and some other stuff to the closet for Tae-hwa because it's his birthday. Tae-hwa thinks this the wrong way and thinks that Jung-suh likes him.

So now Tae-hwa really likes Jung-suh, but she only looks at him like an older brother. He continually tries to hug her, but she keeps refusing. Tae-hwa even tells Jung-suh that he's going to an exposition and he's going to paint something. But he's not bringing his paints with him. If Jung-suh goes and brings his paints for him to paint something, it shows that she likes her. When the day really comes, Jung-suh is pondering whether or not to bring the paints. She wants Tae-hwa to paint something, but she doesn't like him in the way that he's thinking. However, she brings the paints for him anyways, making Tae-hwa think the wrong thing.

Tae-hwa continually asks Jung-suh if she likes him and she keeps saying no. He even goes as far as following her after school hopping on one leg (he broke his other leg trying to hug Jung-suh. She said no, and then Yoori came in, so he jumped to avoid being caught by Yoori, and he broke his leg). He also goes to her school holding up a sign saying "Jung-suh, do you like me?"

Yoori confronts Jung-suh later, asking her if she likes Tae-hwa or Song-joo. Yoori snatches Jung-suh's letter to Song-joo and reads it aloud. Jung-suh tells Yoori to give it back and somehow Yoori and Jung-suh get into a fight. They're on a bed, and Yoori looks innocent because Jung-suh's the one on top of her, pulling her hair. Well, that's how it looks when Tae Mira and Jung-suh's dad come in. Yoori pretends that she's crying, and Jung-suh is made to look guilty. Tae Mira pretends that she's on Jung-suh's side, and she strokes Jung-suh's hair or something like that. This second episode ends with Jung-suh pushing Tae Mira's hand away.

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8:07 PM
Saturday, October 25, 2008

EPISODE 1. (and already so intense!)

This first episode opens up with Song-ju (Kwon Sang Woo) playing the piano on a beach near the waves. Then the rest of the episode is in the past. Song-ju and Jung-suh have been best friends since childhood. when Song-ju's dad passed away, Jung-suh was there for him, and when Jung-suh's mom died from cancer, Song-ju was there for her. They were there for each other in their saddest moments in life and in their happiest ones too. Because of this, Song-ju and Sung-juh have strong feelings for each other, probably as strong as those of a sibling, friend, and lover all put together.

Ever since Sung-juh's mom died, her dad built a house near the beach for them to live in to be closer to Sung-juh's mom. However, later at a party (I think?), Sung-juh's dad meets this celebrity named Tae Mira, and they fall in love with each other. Sung-juh wants her dad to be happy so she lets him marry Tae Mira.

Tae Mira isn't alone though - she has 2 children, Yu-ri and Tae-hwa, that have lived with her husband for about 5 years. and Tae Mira hasn't gone home once in those 5 years. Her husband was in jail for a while (a couple years), so when he comes out, he tells Tae Mira to take the kids because he doesn't want them anymore.

Tae Mira marries Jung-suh's dad, and they move to Tae-Mira's house. This means that Jung-suh has to go to a new school. Yu-ri and Tae-hwa also move into Tae Mira's house. At first, Yu-ri seems like a good girl, but once inside her room with Jung-suh, she turns selfish and greedy. (side-note: i hate that girl.) Yu-ri starts disrespecting Jung-suh, but Jung-suh stays kind and lets Yu-ri even wear all her clothes.

On the first day of school for Jung-suh and Yu-ri, Yu-ri tells everyone that her mom is Tae Mira and she becomes popular instantly. She tells everyone that Jung-suh lives with them but it's a "complicated situation" that she doesn't want to explain. People have heard that Tae Mira had a kid or two secretly before marrying Jung-suh's dad, so everyone thinks that her secret child was Jung-suh, not Yu-ri.

After school, Song-ju comes to Jung-suh's school and picks her up. When all the girls see Song-ju, they marvel over his looks, gasping at how handsome he is. Even Yu-ri is dumbfounded. However, when Song-ju sees Jung-suh coming out, he says her name, and takes her backpack, and they go to his car together (Song-ju is rich). Yu-ri becomes really envious and jealous, and even when Jung-suh nicely offers for Yu-ri to come into the car with her and Jung-suh, Yu-ri says no and walks away.

Song-ju and Jung-suh go biking and just have lots of fun together after they leave the school. Right before Sung-juh leaves and goes home, Song-ju gives her a package and Jung-suh gives him a red hat that she took a month to knit for him.

When Jung-suh goes back into the house, Yu-ri sees her big present from Song-ju and gets jealous again. She opens the package when Sung-juh's not looking and sees this uniform, gaping at how pretty it is. The next day, she even WEARS it to school. Jung-suh obviously gets mad because it's something special to her from Song-ju, so Jung-suh confronts Yu-ri, and Yu-ri says that she'll take it off. She even starts taking it off, but Sung-juh gets scared and just tells her to put it back on.

Back at home, Yu-ri purposely spills ink on Jung-suh's uniform. Tae Mira gets mad at Yu-ri, and Yu-ri starts crying and lies, telling her mom that it was an accident.

Later on, report cards come, and Yu-ri is second in the class. Jung-suh is first (valedvictorian or however you spell it). Tae Mira is unhappy and yells at Yu-ri later for getting second and not first. Jung-suh comes down, hearing the commotion, and tries to defend Yu-ri. Tae Mira, like Yu-ri, thinks that Jung-suh's just really arrogant and showing off because she did better, but Jung-suh isn't even doing that. Tae Mira starts slapping Jung-suh a lot because Jung-suh doesn't call her mom, but then the phone suddenly rings. It's Song-ju, wanting to hang out with Jung-suh.

Tae Mira tosses the dirty uniform to Jung-suh and tells her to wear it to see Song-ju. When Song-ju sees the back of Jung-suh, he runs up and taps her. But when she turns around, it's Yu-ri, wearing the same uniform (except she bought one exactly identical to the one that Song-ju bought Jung-suh). Yu-ri tells Song-ju that Jung-suh is sick at the hospital, and that Jung-suh told Yu-ri to wear the uniform and go keep Song-ju company (and of course, this is all a LIE). Song-ju is worried about Jung-suh, but after Yu-ri reassured him, he just walks around with Yu-ri. Yu-ri wants to go ice skating, so they go together. Yu-ri falls so much that Song-ju keeps helping her up and Yu-ri is really happy.

When Yu-ri goes home, Song-ju comes with her to visit Jung-suh and see how she's doing. Tae Mira tells Jung-suh to go into this other room (which is Tae-hwa's room) and hide, so Jung-suh doesn't get to see Song-ju.

Later when Song-ju leaves, Yu-ri tells her mom that Jung-suh and Song-ju are going overseas to study, and when they do that, Yu-ri won't have a chance with Song-ju. Tae Mira assures Yu-ri that she'll solve the problem.

When it's late at night, Jung-suh's dad goes into her room, and she hugs him, asking him if he's happy. He says that he's the happiest that he's ever been in a long time. To keep her dad happy, Jung-suh says that she can survive with Tae Mira and Yu-ri until she goes to study overseas with Song-ju. But in her room, Tae Mira starts crying (FAKE), and Jung-suh's dad asks her what's wrong.

The next day, Jung-suh's dad tells Jung-suh that the overseas studying will be delayed because he doesn't want Jung-suh to go at such a young age when she's not strong (healthy). (This is obviously all of Tae Mira's doing). Song-ju is sad and Jung-suh is devastated because now she has to survive the torture from Tae Mira and Yu-ri. Additionally, Jung-suh's dad says that he feels bad just sending Jung-suh off alone, so instead, he'll send Yu-ri and Tae-hwa off with her to study overseas.

The next scene is at a carousel, and Jung-suh's riding on it, and it's going around and around, and she's remembering the past when her mom would always wave to her. She'd see her mom, pass her mom, and see her mom again. Song-ju tells Jung-suh that he can wait to study overseas with her, but Jung-suh tells him to go ahead. She's only afraid that he'll never come back. Song-ju tells Jung-suh that he's afraid that when he comes back, she'll disappear. But if she disappears, he'll do everything he can to look for her and he won't ever stop until he finds her. This sweet scene ends with Song-ju putting his coat over Jung-suh and his head, and they kiss (assumption which is probably true).

At the end of this first episode, it goes back to the future when Song-ju is an adult playing the piano on a beach.

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9:33 PM

okay, so this is the synopsis (found on dramawiki) for the Stairway to Heaven:
Jung-suh and Song-joo grew up together. They were always there for each other. Tragedy begins when Song Joo begins his studies overseas without Jung-suh. Jung-suh's father remarries Tae Mira. Mira takes in her two children from a previous marriage, Tae-hwa and Yuri. Yuri is envious of the life that Jung-suh leads and is determined to take everything away from her, including Song-joo. Tae-hwa begins to develop feelings for his stepsister, however Jung-suh still loves Song-joo. Five years later, tragedy occurs when Jung-suh gets into a car accident causing her to lose her memory. Together with Tae-hwa, they start anew. Song-joo is led to believe that she is dead. However, when they meet again one day, he is determined to remind her of the love they had for one another. When fate finally seemed to be on their side, Jung-suh is diagnosed with eye cancer.

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9:30 PM
May 2008 October 2008 November 2008

| Eunicee <3 |
| Hong Kong | Female | 15|

| Loves |
| God | Family | Friends | Asian Dramas&&Music

Links to watch the Stairway to Heaven online! :]

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