
Monday, November 24, 2008


So fast! It is already the end of this tragic drama.

In this episode, Jung-suh gets to see again, but Song-joo finds out about Tae-hwa's suicide to help Jung-suh see.

Everything is going fine until one day when Jung-suh feels bad, and she takes a scan. The results show that her cancer has metastasized, meaning that it's in its later stages and it will be hard to remove. Song-joo tells Jung-suh, but Jung-suh says that she wants to live her remaining days OUT of the hospital. Then Song-joo tells Jung-suh that Tae-hwa gave HIS eyes to Jung-suh, so no matter what, she must live.

Before her death, Jung-suh visits Yoori and Tae Mira, telling them that she forgives them, and Yoori says sorry. Tae-hwa wins the national contest, and now Jung-suh is ready to die, after accomplishing 2 things: seeing Song-joo again, and seeing Tae-hwa win the contest.

This drama ends with Jung-suh dying on the beach in Song-joo's arms.

2:59 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008


This was such a dramatic episode! ok, so every episode is dramatic. but this episode was both happy and sad. The truth finally came out, but sacrifices were also made as well.

Jung-suh and Song-joo get married, and Tae Mira and Yoori are taken away. Tae-hwa's dad tells everyone the truth about the past, making Jung-suh's dad angry from being deceieved just like Tae-hwa said. Yoori is taken by the police investigating the accident 5 years ago, and Tae Mira is taken to a mental hospital and also guilty of telling Tae-hwa to paint the replicas.

Jung-suh and Song-joo move into their new house, with hardly anything so that Jung-suh can move more freely, but one night when they're eating with employees from the company, Jung-suh faints. Luckily, no tumors were detected YET, but if they are, then nothing can be done to stop it.

Song-joo and Tae-hwa go to the doctor to see if they can give away one of their corneas to Jung-suh so that she can at least see with one eye, but it is not possible. They can only do it if they're dead. So Tae-hwa decides to sacrifice his life for Jung-suh so that she can see. :[ so sad, I know.

So then Tae-hwa fills out the application and all that stuff, and tells Jung-suh that he's going to France. When he says bye to her, he's crying.

In his car before dying, Tae-hwa says something along the lines of "Jung-suh, you gave me this scarf, and I'm going to give you a present too. You're the only one who ever made me happy, so for you, I'm willing to go to hell and back". Then, Tae-hwa keeps driving and takes his hands off the wheel, putting them in front of his closed eyes. D:

one ep left!

4:38 PM


Song-joo finds out about Jung-suh having eye cancer and seeks out help to see who can help her.

Tae-hwa is released from prison and the police officers instead start looking for the person purchasing the replicas. They come to Tae Mira but she lies about it by saying that she has lots of obsessed fans. Tae Mira goes to Tae-hwa's dad to find out where Tae-hwa is because she wants to lock up both of them to make sure that nobody interferes during Yoori's wedding with Song-joo.

In this episode, Yoori, Tae Mira, and Jung-suh's dad find out about Jung-suh's illness. Yoori and Tae Mira are overjoyed, saying that Jung-suh deserves it for "wanting what she can't get".

Jung-suh does the surgery and it turns out to be a success, killing all of her cancer cells. However, it might come back later. D:

Song-joo sends Jung-suh a wedding dress at the end of this episode, and he still wants to marry Jung-suh.

4:07 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008


in this ep, Jung-suh and Tae-hwa are living in the beach house together, and Song-joo is looking for Jung-suh.

Tae-hwa goes to Jung-suh's doctor to see how much her operation will cost, and then Tae-hwa finds out that Jung-suh's cancer is partly due to the accident 5 years ago which YOORI caused. and the surgery costs about $10,000. So Tae-hwa calls the people who wanted him to do the replica and he does it for $30,000.

As Tae-hwa gets the money and gives the guy the replica, the police come and arrest the other guy. Tae-hwa runs away, but gets caught.

In the police station, Tae-hwa tells Song-joo that Jung-suh has eye cancer and that she's all alone in the beach house. He also tells Song-joo that she may lose her vision anytime.

This tragic episode ends with Jung-suh losing her sight and Song-joo arriving at the beach house.

8:42 PM


in this ep, tae-hwa goes back to jung-suh's house and tells the truth about everything. upon finding out that yoori hit jung-suh, jung-suh is really angry. Because of Yoori, Jung-suh now has eye cancer.

Later on, Jung-suh resigns and tells Yoori to make Song-joo happy. After spending the night with Song-joo in the beach house (where they always used to play), Song-joo wakes up to find a letter from Jung-suh, telling him not to try finding her (so she's technically breaking up with him).

In this ep, Jung-suh's eyes also got worse, but nobody knows about her eye cancer yet. Tae-hwa also notices that Jung-suh's eyes have gone bad, but I don't think that he knows everything yet.

3:27 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008


in this ep, jung-suh gets glasses and persuades song-joo to go back to his company. she tells him that she trusts that his heart won't waver.

so song-joo goes back to the company, and yoori is happy, but song-joo clearly tells her that he will not marry her. song-joo's mom is also happy. yoori goes to song-joo's mom to tell her that she's doubtful of the wedding and that song-joo still like jung-suh, but then song-joo's mom assures yoori that the wedding will go on. and they even announce the news to the public.

in this ep, jung-suh also discovers that she has eye cancer just like her mom did. in the accident 5 years ago (that yoori caused), jung-suh's cornea was kind of damaged. the only way to stop this cancer from spreading is to extract jung-suh's eyes out. even if she doesn't, the doctor tells her that she'll still become blind as time goes on. D:

4:01 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Tae Mira && Yoori are evill once again, plotting to make sure that Tae-hwa never comes back and that Yoori marries Song-joo.

Song-joo comes back with Jung-suh and announces to the family that he's getting married to Jung-suh and that's final.

Tae Mira calls Song-joo's mom and tells her the news. The next day, Song-joo's mom confronts him about it, and tells him to marry Yoori or else give up his position at the company. For Jung-suh, Song-joo said he can give up everything else. So he resigns.

Tae-hwa's dad finds out that Tae Mira is the one behind Tae-hwa's misfortune, arresting him and forcing him through her workers to make fake paintings.

Last important thing to look out for in the next few eps: Jung-suh's vision is blurry? Maybe it's just that she has bad eyes or something. But it happens twice to her when she sees something blurry.

8:15 PM


Song-joo sends Jung-suh to this cabin in the forest to brainstorm more ideas for new items, but he's really setting her up with Tae-hwa. Later, at the cabin, she sees Tae-hwa and he tries to run but she catches him. They reconcile and become siblings again.

When Jung-suh's sleeping that night, Song-joo is out at a party with Yoori and having a lot of fun, but instead he's really hurting inside. After he drops off Yoori, he drives off to the cabin where Jung-suh is. Song-joo looks inside the cabin, but doesn't go in.

Jung-suh is sick with a fever and keeps calling out Song-joo's name. Tae-hwa calls Song-joo to come and that he's going to leave regardless Song-joo or not. Song-joo is already at the cabin but Tae-hwa can't see him. Song-joo sees Tae-hwa taking all his stuff and leaving Jung-suh, so then Song-joo goes to Jung-suh and brings her to a hospital. He promises her that he'll never let go of her again.

The next morning, Jung-suh wakes up and just leaves with Song-joo sleeping with his head on her bed. She goes on the same train as Tae-hwa. Song-joo wakes up and runs to the train but it's leaving and too late for him to get on. Song-joo gets his car and goes to the train station to find Jung-suh.

Jung-suh is with Tae-hwa and took a nap on him, but when she wakes up, he's gone. She goes looking for him when he's going the other direction. Song-joo is also looking for Jung-suh and then finds her. He hugs her and tells her that he loves her twice. They walk off together and Tae-hwa is hiding and saying "Jung-suh, be happy".

(Tae-hwa is such a good man, unlike his evil mom and sister! argh)

3:44 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So this is basically the ep of the engagement and when Song-joo is about to put the ring on Jung-suh, she sees Tae-hwa getting dragged away and arrested, and runs after him.

Later, Jung-suh and Song-joo decide to just be good friends because they can do much more as friends than as lovers.

8:43 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008


so everything is all going well, and Jung-suh's dad has accepted her into the family as well as everyone else. but now Yoori and Tae Mira put on a show and Yoori threatens to leave the family. But then Jung-suh says that she'll leave. To maintain peace, Song-joo says he'll get engaged.

The next day, Jung-suh returns back to work as Yoori's sister and not Ji-soo anymore. At lunch, Song-joo even eats with Jung-suh and everyone's looking. However, Yoori sees and tells Song-joo that they need to get their engagement prepared.

So with Jung-suh, they get dresses, shoes, etc. Song-joo even picks out a dress and shoes for Jung-suh. Jung-suh tries to ignore Song-joo because he said he'll get engaged to Yoori and she doesn't want any stupid disputes with Yoori & Tae Mira, but Song-joo stays stubborn and continually tries to hold hands/touch feet with Jung-suh even in Yoori's presence. Song-joo even said that his engagement isn't to Yoori, but to Jung-suh, and that he'll be putting the ring on the one he loves. :]

that's basically end of ep. except Tae Mira tells reporters about Song-joo's engagement to Yoori. :/

4:12 PM


Ji-soo and Song-joo spend a night together just eating and having fun, but Ji-soo leaves early the next day with Tae-hwa. She wants to escape from everything with him and start anew and forget Song-joo. So Tae-hwa lets her in.

but when she's sleeping, Tae-hwa notices that Jung-suh (ji-soo) is sick and gives her medicine. he even tells Song-joo that Jung-suh is with him.

Tae-hwa leaves Jung-suh in the van on the beach where she and Song-joo always used to play, and later on Song-joo's car comes out. He finally believes that Ji-soo is Jung-suh, and her necklace is also proof of it.

at the end of this ep, Song-joo decides to take Jung-suh home. :]

4:06 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008


in this ep, Jung-suh tries convincing Yoori and Tae Mira that she remembers, but now that they know, they're not scared because nobody will believe her.

Jung-suh and Song-joo spend a night together around the carousel like cinderella, but Song-joo doesn't know that Jung-suh has regained her memory.

Later, a scandal goes online about Song-joo and Jung-suh being together. Yoori is mad and Jung-suh is forced by the Chairwoman to resign. Song-joo finds out from the Chairwoman that Ji-soo (jung-suh) was claiming to be Jung-suh. Song-joo tells Jung-suh not to pretend and that he liked her for who she was - Ji-soo.

Meanwhile, with Tae-hwa (Chul-soo), he's feeling really guilty, so he would rather die. His dad is caught by these bad guys that want Tae-hwa to paint for them, but Tae-hwa would rather die. So they decide to beat him up and crush his hands so that he can never paint again.

7:57 PM


Ji-soo makes a new design for the "couple" scarf and it gets approved of by Song-joo.

Later, to celebrate their success, everyone from the company goes out and eats and goes to a club to party. Yoori has to go to an art gallery (with Chairwoman) so she leaves. Ji-soo is supposed to meet Tae-hwa (Chul-soo) at the art gallery but she can't go because she has to stay with everyone from work and celebrate.

Song-joo gets really drunk and later faints, and Ji-soo is running to Tae-hwa when she almost gets hit by Yoori (again). However, she is fine, and SHE FINALLY GETS HER MEMORY BACK!!

she sees Tae Mira the next day for the opening of the mural and says "stepmom" to Tae Mira a couple times. Tae Mira starts slapping Jungsuh but this time Jungsuh stops that from happening, and Tae Mira is shocked. =O

this is exciting. :D

4:09 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008


in this ep, Jung-suh says that she's going to quit her job, but she goes to this hotel to see Song-joo one more time to tell him she's quitting.

that day, it's also song-joo's birthday, and when she finds out, Jung-suh stays to blow out the candles on his cake. then song-joo brings ji-soo (jung-suh) to Jung-suh's house. Tae mira faints at seeing jisoo and yoori is angry. song-joo shows ji-soo pictures of him and jung-suh in the past, but jisoo still doesn't remember.

so song-joo "let's go" of jung-suh since ji-soo doesn't remember anything, but he doesn't really. he tries to just forget jung-suh by being extremely nice to yoori.

yup! that's basically what happened in this ep. xD too lazy to say it in detail.

3:58 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

EP 6.

In this episode, the main thing that happens is Song-joo and Jung-suh going to the beach and the house where they used to play at when they were kids.

Song-joo tells Jung-suh all about herself when she was younger, and she starts to feel sympathy for him. Later on, she sees her father (but she doesn't know), and he starts crying, holding Jung-suh's hands and touching her face because she looks so much like Jung-suh that he can't believe it.

when she gets home, Tae-hwa is angry at her for being with Song-joo and they decide to move after Tae-hwa finishes his mural. Jung-suh even repeatedly tells Tae-hwa that she loves him, even more than she loves herself.

3:27 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008

EP 5.

this was one intense episode. =O

so now that Song-joo has found Jung-suh, he goes and "coincidentally" meets her near where she works and such. Now Yoori thinks that Song-joo has REALLY seen Jung-suh, since she sees Tae-hwa (hired to work on the painting for the gallery for Song-joo's company), she's now really certain that Song-joo saw Jung-suh, and she starts panicking.

Meanwhile, Song-joo does more research on Jung-suh and her company is one of the 20 chosen to add to the Global Group's marketplace. Although Jung-suh's friend refuses, Song-joo buys the building where they sell their clothes, so they're forced to sign the contract to keep their business running. Yoori is especially shocked when she sees Jung-suh (she came to sign the contract). And Jung-suh is shocked when she realizes that Song-joo is the chairman (?) of Global Group Enterprises.

haha, lots of thing happened! :] this is getting exciting, even for me.

4:12 PM

EP 4

So Song-joo and Yoori are back in Korea. They are now engaged, but Song-joo still can't forget Jung-suh. In this ep, there were many instances where Song-joo and Jung-suh (now Ji-soo) were in the same place at the same time, but they never got to see each other, until Song-joo sees Jung-suh on a carousel and recognizes her. Realizing that she's alive, he hugs her and tries to convince her that she's Jung-suh but Jung-suh doesn't remember anything, so she thinks that Song-joo has the wrong person. Song-joo follows Jung-suh onto a bus and writes down the name of the company she works in, to go there next time. :D

2:45 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008

EP 3

Ok, so i didn't really remember EVERYTHING that happened in this ep. since i saw it a couple days ago and since then i've been watching a couple other movies and stuff tooo. xD

Jung-suh is unhappy because she feels like her whole family hates her and stuff, and Tae-hwa is still after Jung-suh. He keeps asking her if she likes him..but she doesn't. she's waiting for Song-joo to come back.

it's about 3-5 years later (i think...but it really doesn't seem like 3-5 years later since they all look SO much older), and Song-joo is back. As he sees Jung-suh and they run towards each other, Yoori presses the gas on the car and runs Jung-suh over. Shocked by what she just did, Yoori takes Jung-suh into her car and drives to the hospital. Unfortunately, there was just a fire earlier and so many patients are in the hospital. Yoori overhears a doctor telling the nurses that this one deceased lady doesn't have any identification on her. Taking the chance, when nobody's looking, Yoori slips Jung-suh's wallet into the dead lady's hands and puts Jung-suh's necklace (from Song-joo) onto the dead lady. (however, Yoori doesn't know that Jung-suh still has a small part of the necklace).

Now everyone believes that Jung-suh's dead. but Yoori actually brought Jung-suh to her dad's house and he hid Jung-suh for her. Only Tae-hwa, Yoori, and their father know what Yoori really did.

It's 5 years later, and Jung-suh has a new name (momentarily forgot what it was), and she's starting anew with Tae-hwa. Meanwhile, Song-joo and Yoori are going back to Korea from the United States (i think).

soo that's basically what happened in this ep! :O

3:26 PM
May 2008 October 2008 November 2008

| Eunicee <3 |
| Hong Kong | Female | 15|

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| God | Family | Friends | Asian Dramas&&Music

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